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Mike Woods

Production Manager

Mike Woods has been at Heartland Design Concepts since the beginning and came to us with lots of business signage experience. He is a master at taking sign ideas and figuring out how to put the pieces and parts together for a truly custom design. Mike is also our 'equipment specialist' and handles the bigger toys, being our tow motor, plasma laser, and CNC machine.  

Even though Mike stays pretty busy at HDC, he has also been a full-time Paramedic & Firefighter with Mansfield City for over 20 years. He is also a Deacon at his long-time church home, Berean Baptist. 

Mike and his charming wife, Amy, are long-time pranksters and love playing practical jokes on each other. The most recent prank by Amy luckily allowed us at HDC to be co-conspirators and included a very large vinyl printing of Mike's face being installed on the side of their camper! They have 3 children and they enjoy family camping whenever they can make the time to get away. 

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